you’re writing a novel you have to come up with a lot of character names and
descriptions. This isn’t a movie about a
lone guy stuck on a deserted island with just a volley ball, you know. For my writing style I like to briefly give
descriptions and then let the reader’s imagination take over and fill in some
of the blanks. I’ve read many stories
where in my head I picture one thing and then suddenly there is a line of
description that completely messes up the picture that was in my head.

see using someone’s name as my way of showing respect to people I know and
people I look up to. My main character
is Sgt. Reid, named after the character Dr. Spencer Reid from the television
show Criminal Minds. My character looks
nothing like the TV one and his first name is completely different. (True, the reader doesn’t actually get to
know what Reid’s first name is, but I can guarantee you it is not Spencer….but
Spencer is the main character in mu upcoming novel THE CISTERN)
ISLAND characters who’s names are taken from reality, sorta.
Hillary Reid…I was watching
a name with Hillary Swank in it at the time I needed a name.
Leigh Reid…this is Reid’s
daughter. Her first name is my daughter’s
middle name
Sgt. Deborah English…her last name
is taken from Chef Todd English
Corporal Al Dispirito….Chef Rocco
Corporal Gordon Longfellow…Chef Gordon
Constable Husk…named after my
Staff Sergeant Barry Tulloch…named after my
Ted Mosby…a very small
character named after the character Ted Mosby from TV show How I Met Your
Mother (can you guess what show I was watching)
Dr. Ferron…at the time I
wrote the novel my boss was Kyle Ferron
Hanni Van Uden…my wife’s
Mr. Nowe…named after a
former co-worker and one of the best cooks I know Jason Nowe
Casey Marsh…the last name
is the last name of a character in Stephen King’s IT

Heather Blais (Colicchio)…named after
Chef’s Richard Blais and Tom Colicchio
Dr. Brandi Mooney…Brandi is my
wife’s name. She named our daughter
after Elizabeth Shue’s character, Jordan Mooney, in the movie Cocktail, so I
gave her the last name.
Wylie…my son
Ben Cooper…last name is
from the character Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory
one thing I am usually strict about is that unless an acquaintance tells me
they are okay with it I do not plan on naming a victim after someone I
know. Though I do have Nicolle in RED
ISLAND and in the upcoming novel RED SERGE the main victim is named Kayla
Schofield after a friend of mine. My son
is also back as a different character and the character of Cassie Michaels is
introduced. Around Christmas time I
joined a group of other Indie Author’s in a blog hop to get our names out
there. One of my prizes that I was
giving was to name a new character in RED SERGE. The winner picked her daughter’s and husband’s
names giving us Cassie Michaels. There
are other characters in the new book who are named after real people, but we’ll
deal with that later.
And for THE CISTERN so far I am going the other way. Instead of using names the characters seem to be based on people.
If you are going to use friends names for your characters you have to know the person and know whether they are going to get offended or not. You never want to hurt someone's feelings.
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