Throughout his life the need and want to write was always there. It was his saving grace. It was not until the age of thirty that he settled on a career path and went for school to learn to cook. Graduation was coming and his future wife asked, "where do you want to go?" He decided on the east coast and Prince Edward Island. Two days after graduation he was on a plane, two months later his wife and two children followed. It was there in PEI that Lorne found the inspiration for Red Island. His wife was interning with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police giving him access and opportunity to interview officers and see how they did things.
His writing style and focus changed many times through-out the years, but he always went back to the mystery genre. He wants to show a sense of reality in his fiction whether it is through dialogue or true to life violence and circumstance.
When he's not writing or marketing his work he is usually watching something that has to do with the
mystery/suspense/thriller genre's. The rest of the time is spent with his family and four dogs having as much fun as they can. His favorite thing to do is have new experiences. "Every new experience from being involved in a car chase, standing up to a killer, climbing into a septic tank, or getting lost in the Rockies are all experiences that I can write about and give that sense of realism to the reader."
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