Monday 18 March 2013

Journey to a Story...Part Six: Introducing Chrys and Spencer

I’m just itching to write this story.  (for links to the other parts please check the bottom of this post)

The Cistern
Story Idea: 
Chrys and Spencer go out to a foreclosed house and find a woman inside a cistern in the basement.  Spencer wants to find out who she is and help her while Chrys wants to know what happened to the family.  They start getting bad feelings and noticing odd things happening.  A body in the restaurant oven is just one of them.  It isn’t what’s in the dark you need to be afraid of.

The Characters:

Spencer Alcrest – the chef/owner of The Alcrest Gastropub.  He took over the business upon his father’s death and is trying to make it a great success.

Chrys Wanderingspirit – foster sister to Spencer.  Her mother disappeared when she was young.  Now she is a free spirit enjoying life and bothering her brother.

To figure out characters I usually just take notes as I’m writing.  I will write in what a character is wearing and then write it down in a separate file or in my head the idea that he/she is a vegetarian – take note.  This time I wanted to do character sketches so that I know who these people are.  To do this I searched out different character charts and found this one that is 8 pages of details from the physical to what their day is like to how they relate to random kids and what their favorite TV show is.
Name:  Chrys Wanderingspirit
Nationality:  Native/Canadian
Brief description of home:  Apartment above The Alcrest Gastropub
Does she live with anyone?  Yes, her foster brother Spencer who is the chef/owner of The Alcrest
Pets:  Chihuahua named Breeze after her mother
Most traumatic event in life:  Day her mother disapeared.
Morning Routine:  Wakes late after hitting the snooze a lot.  Showers and takes care of hair which includes whipping her head back and forth spraying water.  Her breakfast is usually coffee.  Takes Breeze for a walk.
Any prominent features?  Full lips, especially the bottom one.  Birthmark on left cheek bone.
Basically by the time Spencer and Chrys go out and meet the public I will know almost everything I can about both of them.  Sure, there will be things that I don't know and will learn as the story is written and there are some things that will change or evolve.

What is left is to take what you have and write a small paragraph describing your characters to see what you have.

Spencer wiped the prep table down with a cloth.  It was almost time to put his chef coat on.  His defined jaw line was clean shaven, the restaurant owner, while his strong arms were tattooed, the rock star chef.  His blond hair was short and spiked on top with just a touch of product.  Soft aqua marine eyes searched around for anything out of place.  He was blessed with his Father’s hometown good looks and strong body, the only two things the man gave him without having to be asked for.  Spencer’s mottos were inked onto his forearms, “Suck the Marrow,” on his left from the Thoreau quote about seizing the day and on the right a quote from Whiting, “God sends meat, but the devil sends cooks.”  The first sits under the tattoo of a pig and the other is between the claws of a lobster crawling down from his upper arm.  At first they were to rebel against the image his parents had for him, but then he just enjoyed it.  He flashed a smile making dimples appear in each cheek.  He got a lot more looks from the ladies than he would ever admit to.

Does my description do her justice?
Chrys combed her fingers back through her hair as she crossed the room.  The mane of dark brown, black in the dim light, fell softly over her shoulders.  Anyone would say she was good-looking, but she could be downright gorgeous if given the right motivation.  Today she wore a little mascara around her oval eyes.  Those and her light caramel skin were signs of her Native Canadian heritage.  She smiled with full lips and white teeth.  The only chink in her armor was maybe the slightly prominent two front teeth, but those were usually not noticed.  Her body was trim and tight from workouts at the gym and playing sports at the park with her friends.  There was nothing too “out there.”  Her breasts were small and she never showed much skin, but she did often get second looks.  She was the image of the girl next door.
 So if you have been reading the Journey of a Story you know that Spencer owns The Alcrest Gastropub.  In order to run a restaurant you need staff.  Chrys is one of the servers, but two people can't run it.  There are cooks and servers and dishwashers..etc.  I already have some ideas for a couple of them, but I need ideas for more and of course names.  If anyone out there is interested in naming a character in a future novel please leave me a comment here or connect with me through the link up options on the side.
Coming Soon:  The Prologue

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