of all, thank you Lorne for having me here today. Lorne told me that he would
allow me to do a guest blog on his site…so long as I was interesting. So, I have
decided to tell you about something embarrassing that happened to me; in hopes
that you will find it amusing. If you do, perhaps I will work it into the third
book in the Jersey Shore Mystery Series.
I once worked for the New Jersey Police Chiefs’ Association. I would tell you how
long ago, but then I’d be showing you just how old I am! As part of my job
function, I was required to attend the Annual Police Security Expo down in
Atlantic City. (Here in New Jersey, you always go “down the shore;” whether
it’s up or down is irrelevant).

the end of the expo, there was a banquet for police chiefs, attended by more
than 300 chiefs and special guests. I was seated at a VIP table. Joining me
were a colonel from the New Jersey State Police and a number of dignitaries
from West Point, the F.B.I., and other law enforcement agencies. Being only in
my early twenties at the time, this was somewhat intimidating for me. I tried
my best to mind my manners, use the right fork, speak only when spoken to, etc.
A very stressful dinner for me, to say the least.
the end of the meal, our server came along with a tray of chocolates for
dessert. I selected one, as did everyone at the table, and placed it on my
plate. I wondered how I would eat it. I feared I’d look like a barn-yard animal
picking it up with my hands and taking a bite. It was too large to pop the
entire thing in my mouth. Would I get chocolate on my teeth or on my face? I
waited and contemplated my options.
speeches at the front of the room had begun. The outgoing president of the association
was making his final remarks. The new president would soon be sworn in. The
chocolate sat in front of me, tempting me. I’m a chocoholic by nature. I can’t
have a piece of chocolate in front of me and not eat it. I finally made a
decision to cut the chocolate piece in half with my fork and knife, making it
small enough to eat with my utensils. I thought that would be more lady-like.
situated my fork atop the luscious-looking piece of heaven with my left hand,
and dug into it with my knife in my right hand. The chocolate had other ideas
for me. It shot out from under the knife, off my plate, across the table,
between two of the VIPs at my table, and smacked into the back of the chair of
a man the next table over. My face glowed in the dim dinner lighting with eight
shades of red. I swiftly returned my fork and knife to their rightful positions
alongside my plate, to hide the evidence. I breathed a sigh of relief when I
glanced around quickly and realized that the man in the chair that was hit by
the chocolate bullet did not notice. Everyone at my table was too busy watching
the speeches in front to pay attention to me and my dessert malfunction as well.
Embarrassment averted! That is, until I heard laughter beside me. To my right,
that State Police Colonel was chuckling. I looked at him and was greeted by an,
“I saw that.” Turning red once more, I giggled nervously, then replied, “Please
don’t tell anyone.”
shook his head and laughed some more. “I won’t,” he told me. I believe he kept
his promise. I look back at the
experience and laugh about it now—many, many years later.
what do you think? Is it funny enough to
include a similar story in the next of my humorous mystery? Don’t forget to
comment and tell me if my experience is book worthy!
Author Michele Lynn Seigfried:

Michele Lynn Seigfried is an award-winning novelist, a
children's author and illustrator and a public speaker who was born and raised
in New Jersey. Her background as a communication major and art minor, and her
15 years of experience working in government mix together to bring you creative
and fun novels and books. Connect with her on her website and check out her mystery novels, Red Tape, Book 1 and TaxCut, Book 2 in the in the Jersey Shore Mystery series, available on
You’ll L.O.L. because Municipal Clerk Chelsey Alton is at it again! Working for
a government riddled with crime, she and her sidekick Bonnie investigate to find
out the answer to the pressing question: Who killed Vinny Buttiglieri? She finds
herself entangled with dangerous mobsters and corrupt politicians. She thinks
she’s doing the right thing, but can she save herself when she becomes
entrenched too deep in this Jersey shore mystery?